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Written by John DeVight on 29 Dec 2011 21:17
A Telerik forum post caught my attention about the Telerik TreeView not having findNodeByText and findNodeByValue functions like the Telerik ASP.NET AJAX RadTreeVirew control. I decided to create the functions to return a node object with several functions to navigate and manipulate TreeView nodes and addd it to my Telerik MVC Controls : Extended Client API.
Find Node Functions
The find node functions were easy enough to do. The tree node contains an element (span or anchor) with a css class of t-in. This element has the text for the node. The value is stored in a hidden input element with a css class of t-input and a name of itemValue. The find node functions return a node object with several functions that can be used to manipulate the node. The node object contains an element attribute that is the element with the t-in css class.
Note: in the source code you will find the use of $(this.element). This is the same as: $('#NameOfTreeView').data('tTreeView').element.
Here are the functions:
var node = findNodeByText("Node One");
Source Code:
findNodeByText: function (text) { var element = $(this.element).find('.t-in:contains("' + text + '")'); if (element.length > 0) { return this.createNode(this, element); } else { return []; } }
var node = findNodeByValue("Node Value One");
Source Code:
findNodeByValue: function (value) { var element = $(this.element).find('input.t-input[name="itemValue"][value="' + value + '"]').prev(); if (element.length > 0) { return this.createNode(this, element); } else { return []; } }
The findNodeContainsValue uses the jQuery attribute contains selector to find the element value that contains the text that is passed in.
var node = findNodeContainsValue("One");
Source Code:
findNodeContainsValue: function (value) { var element = $(this.element).find('input.t-input[name="itemValue"][value*="' + value + '"]').prev(); if (element.length > 0) { return this.createNode(this, element); } else { return null; } }
Hi. do you show a complete example about this, because I try of to use it, but I get a error when the function findNodeByText is called.
Thanks you.