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Written by John DeVight on 16 May 2011 03:06
Last Updated by John DeVight on 13 Jun 2011 13:32
Download RAZOR Source Code.
Download ASPX Source Code.
* Note: the Telerik.Web.Mvc.dll, Telerik "Contents" and Telerik "Scripts" have all been removed to reduce the zip file size
In the wiki page Telerik MVC : jQuery.ajax, Partial View and the Telerik Grid I showed how a Telerik Grid on a partial view could be displayed by a jQuery.ajax call. The same can be applied to other Telerik controls.
Telerik ComboBox
Implementing the ComboBox on the Partial View
Here is the code to implement the ComboBox on the LoadUsingAjax partial view:
ComboBox cbo = Html.Telerik().ComboBox()
.DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding.Ajax().Select("GetWikiPageTitles", "Home"));
sw = new StringWriter();
@(Html.Hidden("TitleComboBox_Create_tComboBox", sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString()))
Implementing the GetWikiPageTitles method in the Home Controller
Here is the code to get the list of TelerikMvcApplication.Models.WikiPage objects to populate the TitleComboBox:
public ActionResult GetWikiPageTitles()
return new JsonResult { Data = new SelectList(GetWikiPageList(), "Id", "Title") };
Updating the jQuery.ajax Call to create the tComboBox
In the jQuery.ajax.success function, the eval function is executed to create the tComboBox object.
Here is the code that was added to the Index.js:
Adding the Telerik JavaScript References to the Page
Here is the code to add the telerik.list.min.js and telerik.combobox.min.js files to the Index Partial View to support the Telerik ComboBox:
.Scripts(scripts =>
scripts.AddGroup("IndexGroup", group =>
Telerik DatePicker
Implementing the DatePicker on the Partial View
Here is the code to implement the DatePicker on the LoadUsingAjax partial view:
DatePicker dp = Html.Telerik().DatePicker().Name("DateCreated");
sw = new StringWriter();
@(Html.Hidden("DateCreated_Create_tDatePicker", sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString()))
Updating the jQuery.ajax Call to create the tDatePicker
In the jQuery.ajax.success function, the eval function is executed to create the tDatePicker object.
Here is the code that was added to the Index.js:
Adding the Telerik JavaScript References to the Page
Here is the code to add the telerik.datepicker.min.js and telerik.calendar.min.js files to the Index Partial View to support the Telerik DatePicker:
.Scripts(scripts =>
scripts.AddGroup("IndexGroup", group =>